Summary of scratch

Introduction to scratch

Throughout my teaching degree, I have had to learn a lot about Technology. When I was at school, computers were only used to teach speed typing. Programming on scratch has allowed me to work through the activities using the reference guides and enabled me to realise how effective, in terms of engagement, it could be in the different areas within the upper primary curriculum. An example of this effective engagement includes the ability to show the students a shape and using the scratch program, enabling them to solve the different degrees necessary to make the shapes, thereby transforming students learning based on the constructivist theory by giving purpose and meaning to the 21st century learner (Finger, Russell, Jamieson-Proctor, & Russell, 2007). The ‘making a shape’ activity would align with the Australian Curriculum in:

Mathematics / Year 5 / Measurement and Geometry / Geometric reasoning

Estimate, measure and compare angles using degrees. Construct angles using a protractor


  1. measuring and constructing angles using  both 180° and 360° protractors
  2. recognising that angles have arms and a vertex, and that size is the amount of turn required for one arm to coincide with the other

When I was working through the ‘making a house’ shape, I found myself, once I was confident with the activity, engaged and eager to advance in the program by making the houses link together.


 This activity could also cater for the different learning abilities due to the way in which a task can be set for a simple shape working through to more difficult shapes and shapes that are linked together. 

The other activity that was completed in the Introduction was the creation of two avatars and programming them to dance, move and speak. An example of this can be seen below:




The other activity that I took part in was programming different line direction blocks and using them to make different shapes.

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